Frequently Asked Questions
When and where does Asheboro Hybrid Academy meet?
Elementary and Middle school students meet Mondays and Thursdays from 8:30 to 3:00. High School students attend Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 8:30-3:00.
How exactly does a hybrid school work?
Students will receive instruction on campus from professional teachers two days a week. All lesson planning, preparation, and curriculum instruction will happen by the teacher. Your role as is best described as "private tutor" in the elementary grades. You will help your child with work assigned and explained by the teacher, tutoring him in the areas that may be difficult for him. In middle school, your role will become more of a "guide." The goal of AHA is spiritual and academic independence, so your direct involvement will gradually decrease as your child gets older.
What if parents don’t have homeschooling or teaching experience?
Parents are considered “personal tutors” in this model of schooling. Parents do not need to have teaching experience. Our professional teachers will introduce and teach new concepts to the students and then provide parents with detailed assignments and plans for the students to complete at home. With the teacher’s guidance, we are confident parents will feel more than equipped to instruct and learn with their child.
Is there are a multi-student discount?
Yes! The first student is at the annual tuition rate. The second student and on receives a tuition discount. Please contact us for specific tuition information.
Are you affiliated with any church denomination?
No. AHA is an inter-denominational effort of many families seeking to raise and educate their children with a Christian worldview. There are many churches represented in our school. We are a parent-governed organization. For more about our beliefs, please read our Statement of Faith.
Is there an enrollment fee?
Yes. There is a $100 enrollment fee due at time of application.
How can i find out more about teaching at AHA?
We are always interested in talking with people that share our passion for educating. If you would like to learn more about working at AHA, email us! You can click the link at the bottom of the page.
How does lunch work?
All students need to bring a packed lunch.